Following the footsteps of his father Emery ‘57 and older brother Mark ‘80, Craig joined Upsilon Alpha in the fall of 1978. During his college years he was a member of Primus, Sophos, Chain Gang and Blue Key as well as the President of Bobcats Senior Honorary. Craig served as the editor of the Campanilla for 3 years and the chapter won the “Coon Plaque” at the 1981 Fiji Academy for the best graduate newsletter in the country. He also served on the Cabinet as Corresponding Secretary as a Junior and Recruitment Chairman his Senior year.
Barker currently works at the University of Arizona Foundation as the Senior Vice President of Financial Services and the CFO. In his tenure working for the university, he has received multiple awards including an industry award for innovation in 2016. Outside of his professional career, Craig has volunteered on numerous committees and non-profits including the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), Tucson Medical Center, and the Rotary Club of Tucson.
Craig says that his four years in Upsilon Alpha as an undergraduate were some of the happiest of his life. He believes that being a Fiji helped him transition from a high school student to being successful at such a large University. He is “mighty proud” to be a member of a Fraternity where he reveres many of the men who came before him and who continue to support the Chapter with their leadership. Craig has two sons, Jacob, a 2018 graduate from NAU who currently works at Raytheon, and Lukas, a 2018 graduate from the Eller College of Management