As we look to the future of our brotherhood , we know that the chapter house and an educational endowment will serve a central role in our long-term success.
For many of us, our years in Upsilon Alpha were our launching pad. We developed organizational and social skills, and lifelong friendships that have served us well in life. “Not for college days alone” is alive and well within our brotherhood!
Upsilon Alpha is approaching 100 years old, and we want to ensure our long-term future by raising at least $2.5 million dollars to help fund the following:
• $1,000,000 to pay off the mortgage so that we can use those funds to build long term capital reserves and support the chapter’s new leadership development program. Thanks to two major gifts from Buzz Sands ’63, this goal is accomplished.
• $500,000 to endow a scholarship program to ensure we can recruit and retain the best members.
• $250,000 to endow a career coach and career programming to ensure Upsilon Alpha has the best career network on campus.
• $750,000 to use towards chapter house capital replacement items as our chapter house approaches 20 years old and is in more frequent need of systems replacement and major repairs.
We invite all graduate brothers, parents and undergraduate brothers to be part of our effort to honor Upsilon Alpha’s past and to ensure our future.
There are many giving levels and naming opportunities. Consider how you can leave your legacy to help preserve Upsilon Alpha for another 100 years.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Upsilon Alpha Campaign Steering Committee